Don't get too cocky
Later today we are going to meet up for cheap beers in Little Tokyo. Everything's a Little "this or that" out here. I haven't found Little Lithuania. I guess that's in Chicago. Why do people come to the U.S. just to live in a smaller version of the country they left?
I live in Koreatown. I enjoy the cheap produce and up until now the cheap rent. I feel bad for my girlfriend's daughter. She has to compete with these Korean phenoms for school orchestra and gymnastics. We went to the end of the year recital where "the whites" struggled with "Twinkle, Twinkle" while Kim Young Sum breezed through some Pachabel. Priceless.
Later that night Lesli's daughter powered a clock with two lemon peels. "Was Kim Young Sum building a biodiesel engine somewhere?", I wondered.
"I hate competition and risk", I told "Ian" over my second espresso "and that makes me a bad American."
(to be cont.)