Don't get too cocky

My buddy "Ian" saw Star Wars ep.3 for the second time this week. He was fascinated with (STOP HERE IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT) Annakin's turn to the darkside. "Ian" thought it was hilarious that Annakin's punishment for being too cocky was to have his legs cut off. He loved the idea of Annakin melting away on a lava beach while Obi Wan looked on. "Ian" talked about how he'd love to teach someone he knows such a lesson. I enjoy "Ian's" violent streaks. They make me laugh.
Later today we are going to meet up for cheap beers in Little Tokyo. Everything's a Little "this or that" out here. I haven't found Little Lithuania. I guess that's in Chicago. Why do people come to the U.S. just to live in a smaller version of the country they left?
I live in Koreatown. I enjoy the cheap produce and up until now the cheap rent. I feel bad for my girlfriend's daughter. She has to compete with these Korean phenoms for school orchestra and gymnastics. We went to the end of the year recital where "the whites" struggled with "Twinkle, Twinkle" while Kim Young Sum breezed through some Pachabel. Priceless.
Later that night Lesli's daughter powered a clock with two lemon peels. "Was Kim Young Sum building a biodiesel engine somewhere?", I wondered.
"I hate competition and risk", I told "Ian" over my second espresso "and that makes me a bad American."
(to be cont.)
Not so obvious, please.


Nighttime is the right time

I decided to post at night so "Mitchell" will stop whining about not having something to read after his morning push-ups. Tried to get a drink with the guy tonite but he's to busy worrying about tomorrow.

Would you pay $1600 a month for this place?

$1600 a month baby!

That's what my new landlord wants us to pay. This above picture is missing the crazy Vietnam vet that is usually wandering out front, laughing maniacally. His mom thinks Jesus wants him that way, or He would fix 'em, so Mom doesn't give her crazy son his meds. Nice.

If everything happens out here first you all can look forward to being ruled by an elite ownership class while the working poor toil and the middle gets squeezed out.
"Mitch" says I'm just an underachiever.

My Friend "Mitchell"

As I drove along I-10 with Florida in my rearview, a certain nervousness fell over me. "Was this such a a good idea?" The answer to that question came in a cell phone call from my friend Mitchell. Having met at work, Mitchell and I became close friends. He knew most of my reasons for leaving and supported them. So when I answered the phone and heard the corporate meeting I was sitting in at 75mph, I almost drove off the highway laughing. This was the motivation I needed!
ron in hollywood


Enough about me...

I live in Los Angeles. Don't ask me why. The rent is high, the streets are clogged, and most of the people suck. I moved here 4 years ago from sunny Tampa, Fl. I hated LA when I came to visit but it was a necessary move. I was dreading the idea of turning 30 in Florida, having lived there all my life.
My first apartment was above a comic book store on Melrose with a college friend. For those first couple months I mostly sat around drinking coffee and thinking, "what the hell am I doing here?"
A long distance breakup of a fresh relationship sealed the deal. And before I knew it I was working "in the industry". This was pretty much a guarantee due to connections and the fact that any idiot could work in TV.
Once I had a little cash LA wasn't so bad. A night out was expensive but it always seemed cooler because I was living in Hollywood. My super small $800 single in WEHO seemed normal after awhile...(to be continued)


Another sunset...

Originally uploaded by ronster03.
Here's the sun setting in beautiful Los Angeles, CA.


Welcome. Take a look around at some of my friends and family and see what they have to say and sometimes sell. Enjoy...