School Orders Students to Remove Blogs
A Roman Catholic high school has ordered its students to remove their online diaries from the Internet....
Raw reporter, in hurricane zone, says situation extremely dire
"If you don't have any cash, you're screwed. If you're poor, you're screwed."
--I'm telling you folks put aside cash for these disasters. The atms won't work. This is especially true for you thrifty types who like to use your atm cards for $3 purchases so you can rack up enough points to earn some gift card you can pass off on a relative cause you won't eat at Outback yourself....
--I'm telling you folks put aside cash for these disasters. The atms won't work. This is especially true for you thrifty types who like to use your atm cards for $3 purchases so you can rack up enough points to earn some gift card you can pass off on a relative cause you won't eat at Outback yourself....
What the fuck?!
Driver, 93, rolls through St. Pete toll booth with body sticking out of windshield.
Got some reports from Coral Springs, Florida (where i grew up). Curfews, no power, no drinking water. Yikes...
Link to this local station for more info.
Link to this local station for more info.
A couple of months ago, I accidently trashed my entire itunes library. I had everything dialed in: song titles, artwork, bootleg mp3's. Needless to say, I cried alot that day. Today I rejoice having used IpodRip to recover my songs back from my Ipod to my Itunes. I recommend buying this program for a meager $15. Unlike the free software, you will also get all your song titles and other track info as well. Rejoice!
Sorry for the...
lack of posts. Had a "massive" Saturday night. Re-lived Live Aid in it's near entirety over an extreme amount of booze, etc. Don't remember much except the clock which read 10:30 am by the time I crawled to bed on Sunday. I hope all our Florida friends are safe from Wilma.

(proof that I actually do work)

(proof that I actually do work)