Bono Discusses the World's Poor With Bush
"One senator threw a newspaper at me in a meeting. 'How dare you disrespect the president of the United States!'" Bono told the magazine.
Welldiggers Banquet
Some of you know Matt Campbell and Dan Russell. This is their band Welldiggers Banquet I've seen them a few times in various incarnations here in Hollywood. Welldiggers finally got a my space site so check out the tunes. They are the bar band you've been waiting for. Now throw back a few shots of jack, grab a bud (or bud lite if your countin' carbs like me) and enjoy...
Swell Done!
Sloan Schang's blog Swell Done contains a hilarious account of some shenanigans that took place during his recent visit to the City of Angels. He is sorely missed...
Summer is over?
Up until this weekend it was still sunny and warm here in SoCal. But the rain came, the temperature dropped a bit, and even some hail was spotted in the city. With the close of summer, here is a long overdue tribute to the barbeques of '05.

Me in my happy place. Van Halen fan looks on.

This is what happens when I don't show up to run the grill. Pathetic.

This is some of my best work. Otherwise known as, "how to apply your OCD to a cookout." And no I didn't use the spatula on the floor...


Me in my happy place. Van Halen fan looks on.

This is what happens when I don't show up to run the grill. Pathetic.

This is some of my best work. Otherwise known as, "how to apply your OCD to a cookout." And no I didn't use the spatula on the floor...

O'Reilly compared opponents of parental notification to Soviets and Nazi Germany, "where the state tells the child, 'Inform on your parents' "
Know what all these uptight righty talk show hosts, who love to moralize, have in common? No children of their own.
Boortz: Faced with an impending national disaster, "we should save the rich people first"
This one's really weird cause when I go home my parents are always listening to this guy. I have to wonder if I am part of the "rich" people he thinks the government should save. Or maybe "rich people" is code for "white people". I think he has some apologetic black dude on the show name Token so maybe not.
After Burger King Crash, Man Parks, Eats
General manager Kathy Fasse declined to say what he ordered.
Farewell Mr. Patricio

This is my friend Patrick (blue shirt with guitar). He was good for a drink and a smoke, some conversation. Now he is almost homeless, showing up for work at a gay porn shop half naked covered in paint. I think he's finally lost his mind. This was the last time I saw him acting fairly normal. This city can drive a man insane.
Slow going
Too much Hefeweizen (sp?) with my new friends from El Salvador or an ill-advised stop at a Burning Man rave in Downtown? Either way, I'm too old for this shit. No more fat government checks. I'm back to work...
Fla. Worker Stabbed in Microwave Dispute
"They didn't get along to begin with. Who could use the microwave first became a major issue," Broward County Sheriff's Office spokesman Jim Leljedal said.