Nighttime is the right time
I decided to post at night so "Mitchell" will stop whining about not having something to read after his morning push-ups. Tried to get a drink with the guy tonite but he's to busy worrying about tomorrow.
Would you pay $1600 a month for this place?

That's what my new landlord wants us to pay. This above picture is missing the crazy Vietnam vet that is usually wandering out front, laughing maniacally. His mom thinks Jesus wants him that way, or He would fix 'em, so Mom doesn't give her crazy son his meds. Nice.
If everything happens out here first you all can look forward to being ruled by an elite ownership class while the working poor toil and the middle gets squeezed out.
"Mitch" says I'm just an underachiever.
Would you pay $1600 a month for this place?

That's what my new landlord wants us to pay. This above picture is missing the crazy Vietnam vet that is usually wandering out front, laughing maniacally. His mom thinks Jesus wants him that way, or He would fix 'em, so Mom doesn't give her crazy son his meds. Nice.
If everything happens out here first you all can look forward to being ruled by an elite ownership class while the working poor toil and the middle gets squeezed out.
"Mitch" says I'm just an underachiever.
Considering I'll be helping you move for the second time in four months, I wouldn't make up shit about me. "Underachiever" -
only Republicans and Guidance Counselors say that crap.
wow, out of control rent, weirdos runnin' are all brave, and a little nutty. :-) When I saw your posting about "Mitchell" I was actually thinking it was code for Michael. That's a crazy kid.
wow, out of control rent, weirdos runnin' are all brave, and a little nutty. :-) When I saw your posting about "Mitchell" I was actually thinking it was code for Michael. That's a crazy kid.
I love LA.
I'm not trying to choose your friends, but that Mitchell guy sounds like a buzz kill. Cut the cord, you know what I'm saying? Besides, isn't everyone "cool" out in LA? Friends growing on trees, that kind of thing? You don't need Mitchell's shit.
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